International Seminar “Becoming a Quality Generation in the 5.0 Era”

SEMARANG – Tuesday. November 8, 2022 Semarang Midwifery Department has held a hybrid Midwifery International Conference event (offline and online via zoom meeting). The theme of the International Midwifery Conference is “Becoming a Quality Generation in the 5.0 Era” with 4 speakers, namely Dr. Khadizah Haji Abdul Mumin (Brunei Darussalam University), Associate Piyanut Xuto, PhD, RN (Chiang Mai University), Mrs. Umaroh, SKM, S.Tr.Keb, M.Kes (Head of Diploma III Study Program of Midwifery, Semarang), and Feri Anita Wijayanti (Alumni student of Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health Semarang). This seminar was attended by a total of 453 internal and external participants. This event began with participant registration at 07.30-08.00. Starting with the opening by the MC, singing the song Indonesia Raya, Mars Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang and Hymn from Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang and chanting prayers. Then continued with the report of the chairman of the committee by Syaharani Dwi Kurnia, remarks from the Head of the Midwifery Department, remarks at the same time as the opening of the seminar by the Director of Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang and a documentation session.

            The next session was a presentation session and a question and answer session by the first speaker, Dr. Khadizah Haji Abdul Mumin (Brunei Darussalam University) with the topic “Becoming a Quality Generation in the 5.0 Era and Essential Midwifery Services Towards the Digital Age“. Midwife is a profession related to midwifery, pregnancy, family, women, adolescents, and infants. As midwives, we must have innovation, therefore as midwives of generation 5.0 we must stop stigmatizing, stop comparing, and competing because we also need to work together/collaborate with other professions to achieve common goals.

The second presentation was delivered by Associate Prof. Piyanut Xuto, PhD, RN (Chiang Mai University) with the material entitled “Becoming a Quality Generation in the 5.0 Era and Optimizing Local Wisdom in Increasing Breastfeeding in the Digital Era”. One way to become a quality generation in the 5.0 era is by creating innovations such as soft skills. To create soft skills in this 5.0 era, midwives and nurses practice a lot to develop soft skills because they can change global changes. For the concept of innovation itself, it is very easy if all people know the concept, both from the source of the paper and creativity-based design. However, those innovations might be a bit difficult for us who have never tried it. But we can create innovation if we think of and develop it.

Then it was continued by the 3rd speaker, namely the Head of Diploma III Study Program of Midwifery Semarang, namely Mrs. Umaroh, SKM, S.Tr.Keb, M.Kes with the material entitled “Becoming a Quality Generation in the 5.0 Era and Optimizing Local Wisdom in Increasing Breastfeeding in the Digital Era“. Breastfeeding is one of the most effective ways to ensure the health and survival of children. Yet, nearly 2 in 3 babies are not exclusively breastfed for the recommended 6 months, a rate that has not improved in 2 decades. Based on the research results that have been obtained, the oxytocin massage group with a combination of moringa leaf tea is more effective in increasing breast milk production compared to oxytocin massage with a combination of soy milk.

And the last speaker was Feri Anita Wijayanti S.Keb, Bd, M.Mid (Alumni student of Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health Semarang) with the material entitled “Alumna’s Strategies in Entering The Global Market“. As we know that now we live in an era that is full of demands for a high quality of life. As midwives in the 5.0 era, we must also be involved in a program where the program can build the knowledge, skills and confidence of young midwives in leadership and advocacy as well as midwife associations globally.

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